The books offered below collect together the GCTM State Mathematics Tournament materials (written tests, individual ciphering, and pair ciphering) from the years 1982 through 2015 and the same for the GCTM Middle School Tournament materials from 2010 to 2015. Full solutions to all problems are provided, and, in some cases, more than one solution is provided. Also included in each state tournament book is a topic index so that problem solvers may find any problem by topic. These books provide a crash course in problem solving and preparation for anyone invited to these tournaments, or for anyone that enjoys good problems. These books are a must for any Math Team sponsor! To purchase one of these books, simply click the corresponding link below.
(Note: all proceeds from the sales of these books goes directly to GCTM and funds the State Math Tournament and ARML team.)
If you have old state tournaments (with ciphering) lying around in a box or file, please let us know! The years we require are 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, and the ciphering from 1984. Your contribution will be acknowledged in the respective volume. As each year is recovered, it will be added to Volume One, but the pdf will always remain free.